Erie Insurance Thomas B. Hagen Fellowship Presentation 2022
Erie Insurance Thomas B. Hagen Fellowship Presentation 2022

Our West Bayfront is proud to have been selected by the Thomas B. Hagen Fellows from Erie Insurance as their partner organization for the 2021-2022 program. Tackling 2 projects, the fellows split up, researched, and created action plans for two high priority goals for OWB. One group researched best practices for supporting the 180 businesses in the OWB footprint. The other group devised a plan for growing home ownership in the West Bayfront, which currently sits at 28%. The average in the City of Erie is 51%, and nationally it is 64%
The group presented their findings to the OWB community at a meeting at the MLK Center on June 21st. We again would like to thank the 15 fellows for selecting us as their partner organization, their valuable time over the past few months, and undertaking their research on projects we deemed as high priority.