West Bayfront Map

Creating Strength Through Community

An important part of the community’s strength lies in the existence of several strong neighborhood associations and watches. These organizations of engaged citizen volunteers have played a significant role in supporting residents, serving as liaisons to City Hall, organizing a broad range of community events and service projects, and promoting greater safety withing the community. They are the building blocks for greater community connectedness. Contact Our West Bayfront for information regarding your local neighborhood watch groups and associations.

Associations & Watch Groups

Bay & Harbor Association

Email for more information.

Boulevard Park Association

Check Facebook or email for more information.

Garden Court Association

Email for more information.

Gateway Neighborhood Association

Check Facebook or email for more information.

West Bayfront Neighborhood Watch

Check Facebook or email for more information.

West Side Saints Neighborhood Watch

Check Facebook or email for more information.

News from the West Bayfront

Our West Bayfront Update
July & August 2024 Newsletter
Announcement from Our West Bayfront