West Bayfront PorchFest
West Bayfront PorchFest
On Saturday, September 26th Erie’s Our West Bayfront Neighborhoods will come alive with pop-up performances on residential porches and businesses! Join us for a fun-filled day of music and entertainment while exploring the historic homes of the West Bayfront Neighborhoods.
All performances are free to attend, just bring your own chair and sit in a space that does not block sidewalk accessibility. Guests must wear a mask and remain socially-distanced during shows.
Click here for a PorchFest Map with addresses and times for each artist, or see below:
Tommy Link Inc. – 1:00 PM at 550 W 7th Street
Stephen Trohoske Bass Guitarist/Composer Trio – 1:00 PM at 646 W 9th Street
Chelcie Gette – 2:00 PM at 535 W 7th Street
Tyler Smilo – 2:00 PM at 621 Poplar Street
Ron Yarman Music – 3:00 PM at Fat Lenny’s, 443 W 8th Street
Jordy The Traveler – 3:00 PM at 623 Cherry Street
Familiar Spirit Band – 4:00 PM at Hagen History Center, 338 W 6th Street
The Hagen History Center will be open all day for self-guided tours.
Made possible by Sam Catania Painting, The Cross | Erie, Hagen History Center, Gem City Dinor, and Erie Ale Works.